Tell Your Boyfriend if He Says He's Got Beef 30h!#

It starts innocently enough.

Neito sits down in the cafeteria where he always does, next to Kendou at the tabular array where most of class 1-B spends their lunch hour. He doesn't talk to anyone except for his usual absentminded jabs when he hears something remotely interesting, instead trying to find something interesting on his phone.

He doesn't, because he's bored out of his mind and has been all day. Today has been an absolute slog; he simply has classes he hates and hero training isn't focused on gainsay skill or anything physical, so he doesn't even have that to look forrard to.

He doesn't look that to change as quickly as it does.

A notification pops up on his telephone. An unknown number wants to AirDrop him a picture. At outset glance, the preview doesn't await like much; just some stupid meme with the "y'all know I had to practice it to em" guy in it. Whoever it is probably just wants to tease him with a joke he's heard at least twenty times before that has never been funny.

At second glance, the preview is much more than simply some stupid meme.

"Okay." He slaps both his easily down on the table and stands upwards, glaring at anybody at the table one by one. "Which one of you fuckers just AirDropped me loss?"

No one says a word. Pony tries to hide a giggle backside her hands.

"If information technology was one of the states, wouldn't you know?" Kendou asks.

Neito frowns. She'southward right, the number that sent him the meme in question was just that: a number. He has everyone in his class every bit a contact.

"Why would anyone send yous something if they didn't know y'all?" Awase adds on.

"Because anybody wants a piece of my donkey," Neito replies, "Side by side question."

"You're ridiculous," Kendou mutters.

Neito ignores her, instead looking around the deli to effort and spot anyone acting suspicious. He doesn't encounter anything. Anybody is merely sitting around their respective tables, eating tiffin and talking with their friends. A few people are sitting alone on their phones, only they seem similar the people who are always sitting alone on their phones, so he doesn't make anything of them. Mayhap he should.

The next solar day, he walks into the cafeteria with heightened awareness of everything and anybody. If the same affair happens again, he'll be ready.

As before long every bit he sits down, he sees information technology: a agglomeration of the Class A assholes are gathered effectually someone'southward phone, the weird girl with the pink skin. They're all laughing.

He should have known.

"Monoma, where are y'all going?" Kendou asks, "Our table's over here."

"Yes, I'll be over there in a 2d." Neito starts walking toward the 1-A tabular array - or what's been deemed the 1-A table, none of the tables here are actually assigned - with confidence in every footstep.

It'due south payback time.

"What are you all doing over here?" He asks, leaning over the redhead'southward shoulder.

"Nothing," the girl says with a snicker. Which ways it's not nothing.

"Then you wouldn't mind if I took a await , would yous?" Neito lunges into a gap between heads. No one can stop him now. Game over.

Information technology's a picture of Bakugou. Specifically, Bakugou wearing a suit and shooting a downright smolder at the photographic camera. The top push of his shirt is undone and he'south not wearing a tie.

"What the hell is that?" Neito asks.

"Bakugou's going to exist in an ad in this mag in a few weeks," the tape guy explains.

"Oh." Neito scowls. Not only is this not what he was looking for, it'south worse.

He spins around and books information technology to the 1-B table without looking back.

"What were y'all fifty-fifty doing?" Kendou asks when he sits down, "I was going to drag you back here if you didn't cut it out."

"Don't worry!" Neito takes his phone out of his pocket. "It'south nothing, promise."

It buzzes in his paw.

"What's that?" Kendou leans over to wait at the screen and giggles. "Looks like you have a secret gentleman."

Neito wouldn't telephone call it that, but the same person from yesterday - of course, he can only presume it's the same person from yesterday - is trying to AirDrop him something again. At least it isn't loss this fourth dimension.

"Monoma has a hugger-mugger gentleman?" Pony asks from across the table.

"Yeah, check it out!" Kendou plucks Neito's telephone out of his hand and displays it for everyone to come across.

Pony frowns. "That's a weird way to flirt."

Tetsutetsu snorts.

"Whatsoever." Neito takes his phone dorsum and accepts the picture. That might come in handy afterwards.

Simply the important thing is that he can retaliate. He finds another picture and AirDrops information technology correct back to them.

"That'due south the one y'all're going with?" Awase leans over from Neito'southward other side. "If you're getting into a meme war with this guy, yous can't half-donkey it."

Tetsutetsu doubles over laughing, nearly to dunk his face in his nutrient. "A meme war?!"

Neito rolls his optics. Information technology can't really be described as anything else.

But he'south going to win.

The and then-called meme state of war continues for months, and when they come back from summer vacation, it only gets more intense. It's non long before all of Class B joins in, gathering around Neito'south phone to requite him unsolicited voice and transport their own ammunition. All the while, Neito keeps looking effectually the cafeteria, trying to figure out who'due south behind it all, but he tin't exercise information technology.

"Hold on," Tsuburaba says, belongings his phone up, "I've got one."

Neito'south not worried near getting the upper manus here. He only got sent a motion picture of a Home Depot sign but the lights for the M and Eastward aren't working and so it says The Ho Depot instead. That's easy to crush. "Okay, hit me," he says.

Tsuburaba sends him the picture, and after a moment of deliberation, Neito pays information technology forward.

"Why are nosotros doing this again?" Shiozaki asks.

"I don't think it matters." Tetsutetsu grins. "You wouldn't happen to take annihilation, would you?"

Shiozaki blinks. "I have one."

"Lay it on me." Tetsutetsu glances at her phone merely to outburst out laughing. "Oh my god, ship that to Monoma!"

"Send what to me?" Neito asks, merely for his phone to buzz with the arrival of the pic in question a 2nd after.

It'southward so stupid simply and so perfect at the same fourth dimension.

"This guy doesn't stand up a chance," he says as he sends it.

It's Neito's idea to start inviting Shinsou to the 1-B table afterward the joint training session. He hasn't been placed in either of the hero grade classes yet - and there'south still no guarantee that he'll get into whatsoever of them, though that seems pretty unlikely - merely he should know right out of the gate which ane is meliorate.

"Hi, Shinsou!" Kendou greets him warmly when he walks over to the table on the first solar day. They've all saved a seat for him, the i across the table from Neito between Tetsutetsu and Kuroiro.

"Hey," Shinsou says, setting his lunch tray down.

"Oi, Monoma," Awase says, "Take you told him?"

Neito gives him a confused look. "Told him what?"

"About... y'all know!" He holds up his telephone with a sly smile.

"Oh!" Neito turns to Shinsou and smirks. "So a few months ago, this guy started AirDropping me weird memes during lunch and I don't know who they are, so there's a war going on right now and if yous have any ammo, you should send information technology to me."

"It sounds stupid, merely information technology's really really fun," Kendou adds, "It'due south, like, a Form B bonding matter now."

Shinsou blinks, taken aback. "...Okay?" He takes his phone out of his pocket. "I don't take your number, though."

"Give me your phone, I'll put information technology in." Neito reaches across the tabular array to grab the phone and open the contacts app, quickly typing in his proper name and number. "Here you go," he says equally he hands it dorsum.

Shinsou even so looks similar he's not sure what'southward going on every bit he takes the telephone and taps the screen a few times.

Neito gets the text a few seconds later.

"Oh my god-" He tries to hold his laughter backside his hand and fails. "Shinsou, what the fuck?!"

"Information technology's what I had," Shinsou says.

"It'due south perfect!" Neito saves both of the pictures to his camera roll and AirDrop them to the guy's phone. "Yous're pretty practiced at this."

Shinsou frowns. "Cheers."

The pictures get declined.

Neito'southward AirDrop Gentleman, as the rest of the form has started calling them, doesn't retaliate at lunch that day. They don't retaliate for the rest of the day, either, but that's probably just because they're out of range. But with Shinsou'south help, Neito has plenty to work with when they eventually strike back.

The next day, he has his phone out before he fifty-fifty gets to the cafeteria, ready for whatever they have to transport him.

"You seem excited," Kendou says.

"Yeah, a little." Neito smirks. He just needs-

His telephone buzzes. The AirDrop notification pops up.

This is different.

"Holy crap," Kendou whispers.

"Shinsou Hitoshi would similar to share a photo"

Neito only stares at the screen in disbelief for a few seconds. The nerve, the audacity, the betrayal , it all shocks him so much that he can merely say 1 thing in response.

"Mother fucker !"


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