Beef Jerky Dip Chew Jack Links

Beef jerky chew is shredded beef jerky. Whole pieces of dried beef hasty are chopped and shredded to create an like shooting fish in a barrel-to-eat jerky snack.

It'southward a popular snack that has been enjoyed for centuries. It has many different names and can be found around the globe.

Rousong, too known equally meat wool or meat floss, is a dried pork production originating from China.

Machaca is a shredded and stale beef product from Mexico, normally mixed into eggs. Our People's Choice Machaca product is actually the same as Jerky Chew.

Either way, shredded beef wiggle is an insider's favorite and one that you can enjoy too.

How is jerky chew made?

Shredded Beef Jerky is made with simple ingredients.

Traditional whole-muscle hasty is shredded into a lite and airy texture.

Beef hasty chew is typically packaged in round tins reminiscent of chewing tobacco, but it is actually beef jerky in a can.

In fact, many people take used jerky chew as a manner to quit bodily tobacco products. For clarity, Beef Jerky Chew does non contain any tobacco or tobacco related chemicals such equally nicotine. It's 100% beef and makes for an excellent snack for kids!

Jerky Chew Diet Facts

Shredded Beef Jerky Nutritional Information

Our Shredded Beef Jerky Chew is an excellent source of protein. It has merely 90 calories and 16 grams of poly peptide per single serving. Talk about a ton of protein.

Per Serving:

  • Calories: 90
  • Fatty: 2.5g
  • Sodium: 490mg
  • Carbohydrates: 0g
  • Sugar: 0g
  • Protein: 16g

Is beef jerky chew bad for you? No, beef jerky chew is an fantabulous snack that is total of lean protein. Information technology'south a great alternative to highly-processed snacks with empty calories.

How exercise you eat hasty chew?

Eating Jerky Chew is as easy as opening a bag and popping some in your mouth.

There are many different means to savour shredded jerky. The easiest way is to pop some into your mouth and chew abroad. Your saliva volition eventually break down the salty snack turning into a rush of season.

Others bask jerky chews as a beef jerky dip. They pack their cheeks with this compact snack. They can savor the season for a longer flow of fourth dimension.

You can also use shredded jerky in recipes.

Shredded Beef Jerky Recipes

Shredded Beef Jerky Breakfast Burrito

Jerky Chew is an incredibly versatile production.

Not only can you simply pop open a pocketbook and first snacking, but you can incorporate Jerky Chew into a whole range of recipes.

Some of our favorites include:

  • Machaca Con Huevos
  • The Easiest Taco Recipe in the World
  • Machaca Chili

Run across our full range of Shredded Beefiness Jerky Recipes.

How to brand jerky chew?

Interested in making our ain beef jerky chew? The process is pretty simple. There might exist some trial and error in the process of making it at domicile, but yous should be able to figure it out.

  1. Have whole-muscle jerky pieces.
  2. Add them in small-scale quantities to a food processor or loftier powered blender.
  3. Pulse the nutrient processor until the jerky is finely shredded.
  4. Enjoy.

You tin always buy Jerky Chew made by the professionals too.

People'due south Selection Beef Jerky Chew

Our product is handcrafted with 100% Usa beef and ingredients sourced right hither in the United States.

Jerky chew is also a great meat snack choice for people that have difficulty chewing whole-musculus hasty. Nosotros've done all the hard work by shredding the hasty into a lite and airy, easy-to-consume texture.

This is the fastest fashion to become your set up of compact, succulent poly peptide.

Where to Buy Hasty Chew

If you are looking for a portable and highly convenient snack, then nosotros highly recommend our shredded jerky. Available directly on our website in both 2.v ounce and 1 LB numberless.

Place your order today!

Shop Jerky Chew


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