Found Maggots in Bowl. Can I Ever Use It Again


This Bones Care folio lists key data regarding squirrel emergencies, links to licensed rehabbers, warming, hydrating & feeding, rehab supplies and link to a live online message board equally well equally a phone number for existent time communication. There is a lot of important information so delight read this entire page advisedly or your squirrel will non survive. If you have a captive (pet) squirrel advice on long term care tin be found on the Non-Releasables page on the navigation bar at the top of the page.


Some of the intendance information is provided below in the form of links (in Blue). We provided these links to specific care guides written by some of the most experienced rehabbers on the internet. Note: Links open new tab (window) – no need to employ the "back fundamental" to return to our website page, only close the folio out.

Boosted Existent Fourth dimension HELP

The IMPORTANT basic data provided in this website is Not a substitute for registering on The Squirrel Board and request follow up questions. Please read all of the information on this page since information technology gives pertinent information that is often hidden in endless sticky'due south on boards and forums. If yous have a life threatening emergency call: 540-750-5088


Baby Squirrels: A baby squirrel should non be on the footing without the mother in the immediate surface area. If there are baby squirrels on the ground they must be protected from predators, estrus and common cold unless mother is nearby and actively in the process of trying to relocate. If so notice from a altitude and exercise not interfere.

If there is no sign of mother place them in a small, low box mother can get in and out of (where found) and detect from a altitude to encounter if female parent comes to relocate. You can play this audio on your cellphone and leave near the base of the tree where the baby squirrels are located https://world wide

You must likewise baby-sit confronting predators especially cats and shade from direct dominicus.  Yous can touch the babies briefly to make sure they are warm, if they are not warm to the touch y'all must intervene. If they injured or are wet from a rainstorm or cold you must not leave them on the footing as the mother volition not take them.

Injured Adult: An injured adult must be captured and brought to a licensed rehabber. If none are bachelor in your area there is sufficient information on this website and we can assist y'all discover a "squirrel friendly" veterinary. Some may be saved and others must be humanely euthanized to eliminate suffering.

Capture: You can just pick upwardly a babe just an injured developed may need to be caught with a net and handled with leather gloves (see photo). Employ a blanket or towel to wrap the injured adult squirrel. Take care treatment and then as non to exacerbate injuries. It may accept more then i person to effect capture of an adult. Photo below shows the cyberspace we apply for adults. Place the injured squirrel(s) in a box with air holes or domestic dog carrier with a towel and bring indoors. Keep in a warm nighttime identify until assistance can be obtained. If no licensed rehabilitators are available in your expanse read this page carefully and register on the Squirrel Board for boosted follow-up communication. Do not be afraid to handle a baby Squirrel, y'all will Non get rabies

SQUIRREL AGE Nautical chart (Credit to Henry's Healthy Pets for photos in this section)

The photos below volition assistance you determine how onetime the infant squirrel is and whether he is in good shape. Eastern Grayness squirrels generally take brownish/grayish fur and white abdomen fur; play a trick on squirrels mostly have tan or orangish belly fur; red squirrels have a dark line downwardly their sides where the abdomen fur meets the dorsum fur; flight squirrels accept a long flap of loose peel that they utilise to glide.

Pinkys (no fur) are frail, discipline to hypothermia, aridity, lord's day burn, crave intervention and very specialized intendance. This is a disquisitional stage and intricate feeding requires expertise. Every try must exist made to find a local rehabber immediately if you are inexperienced. There is a link below to discover rehabbers, or someone on the Squirrel Board tin assistance.

Newborn: Mostly pink, no centre slits visible, ears sealed flat to the caput

Healthy1 Bloat1wk

1-2 Weeks: Night colour on head and back, eye slits visible, ears coming abroad from caput

Healthy2wk DehydEmac2wk

3 weeks: Brusque fur everywhere except on abdomen

healthy3-4wks DehydEmac3wk

Furred Baby Squirrels are hardier and so pinkies but are just as susceptible to hypothermia and dehydration. These pictures depict 3 distinct stages in furred squirrel development and all crave warming and PROPERLY ADMINISTERED hydration / right formula.

4 weeks: Thicker fur, eyes nigh fix to open up, lower teeth emerging

Healthy4wk Emac4wk

5 weeks: Fully furred including abdomen, optics open up, upper teeth emerging

Healthy5wk Emac5wk

If you institute i babe squirrel there may be more than. Squirrel litters average 2-4 or every bit many as 8 depending on food availability, conditions conditions, habitat. Thoroughly search the area where the squirrel was found for others. The mother may take been killed and older babies have left the nest searching for food. Search the area very carefully for other babies.


At present that you accept secured the baby(s) or injured squirrel you must try and find a licensed rehabilitator. Some people try to raise squirrels themselves. We strongly recommend confronting this but if yous practise proper intendance is outlined below. At that place is a link to rehabilitator lists below and if y'all cannot find ane telephone call your local Vet's, Fish & Wild fauna, DNR or Fish and Game to find ane most you. In the result you are admittedly unable to locate one and have to raise the infant yourself here are instructions for proper care. If yous are uncomfortable doing this after reading the protocol below find someone who is. Deviating from these instructions volition issue in the death of the squirrel. If you are taking the squirrel to a rehabber or vet warm only – DO Non attempt to hydrate! The following weather mandate transport to a rehabber for aid.

  • Caught by a dog, cat or other creature
  • Visible external unhealed injuries
  • Severe trauma (collision with car, long fall, dragging leg, unable to walk)
  • Very cold, thin or weak
  • Worms, mites, or maggot infestation
  • Parent known dead or separated and cannot exist reunited
  • Reuniting with mom was attempted and was unsuccessful
  • Following behavior toward humans or domestic animals past a very young squirrel

Nationwide Rehabilitator Contacts : fauna-rehabilitator

Or Call: 540-750 -5088 for personal assist finding one

Caution: When you contact a rehabilitator wait at google and other reviews, ask questions and if they are non willing to let yous drib the squirrel off that should send up red flags. Here is an case of S Carolina squirrel "rehabilitator" Laura Ross committing heinous corruption to over 200 captive squirrels:

VET Care

If you need a veterinarian for a serious injury delight use our Contact Folio or call 269-215-9509 for information on locating vets as we have a huge list. You can also google exotic animal veterinarians in your urban center / state. Exotic vets are most likely to treat squirrels, not dog & cat vets.

Link: AEMV (Association of Exotic Mammal Vets) Note: To employ the AEMV page leave "search and group" parameters unchanged, just enter Country and State for list. Again use our contact folio if unable to notice a vet through this link and we will find you one through connections in the zoo and wildlife sanctuary organizations. If you need a vet for a captive, not-releasable run across our Non Releasable page


You must follow this protocol in this exact order or the squirrel will not survive. SQUIRREL MUST Exist WARM BEFORE You HYDRATE! If a licensed rehabber is bachelor warm only if squirrel is cold and transport. DO NOT try to hydrate and feed if a rehabilitator is available.

If you are in an surface area WITHOUT a rehabber read on. The following information on hydration and feeding is merely to be used when experienced help is non bachelor! All squirrels should be warmed while waiting for a rehabber or transporting to 1.

How to Check for Dehydration: Pinch the skin on the back of his cervix and likewise on the belly and count how many seconds it takes to go back down flat. 1-two seconds is moderate dehydration; iv seconds or more can exist life-threatening. Notation: This exam is not reliable in hairless babies or emaciated babies; assume every baby squirrel is dehydrated when you start find them. Rehabbers should keep Fox Valley Electro-Stat Powdered Electrolyte on paw.

  1. Gently warm the squirrel side by side to your torso, on a heating pad set to low or with medical hot pack using a towel between the squirrel and the pack/heating pad then only gentle warmth is getting through. Check temp in bottom of container with the back of your duke and go along checking information technology making sure it warm, not hot. Container should be 1/ii on 1/2 off heating pad so squirrel can motility off if as well hot.
  2. Just after squirrel is warmed – hydrate with plain hydration formula mixed & administered equally described below.
  3. Feed ONLY after warming and completely hydrated. Data on feeding in detail below.


It is important to raise the claret sugar level in a dehydrated squirrel. In a (measured) loving cup of hot h2o add one teaspoon of one of the following: Molasses, Honey, Karo Syrup or sugar. Permit to cool to 90-100 degrees F and feed using the hydration video below. Some website recommend Pedialyte but we feel the high fructose mixes listed to a higher place are better. If you do use Pedialyte mix  Pedialyte 50/50 with water before feeding. Exercise non always mix Pedialyte with formula or employ Pedialyte for more than so 24 hours. Presume all babies are dehydrated.

Continued Warming

Young squirrel(s) need abiding, steady, depression warmth – specially squirrels with eyes closed. The best way to accomplish this is with a heating pad ready on the lowest setting that has an "always on" switch (no timer). The squirrel(s) should exist in an appropriate container with bedding, never direct on the hot pad. Depending on the age, the squirrel(s) should not exist able to climb out of the container every bit this tin can result in serious injury. I use polycarbonate eating house containers of different sizes and a heating pad from Henry'due south Salubrious Pets. Heating pad is one/2 under container then squirrels tin motion over if too hot, My prepare is shown beneath.


In that location are only 3 formulas recommended (two temporary and one long term) at this time depending on the age of your squirrel. This protocol was established after digestion bug with Esbilac brand Powdered Puppy materialized limiting this product to very short term emergency employ .

The first  formula is Goats Milk Formula (GMF) that can be made from common supermarket ingredients and the other is Fox Valley, a scientifically formulated powder that must be ordered online. The third is Esbilac Powdered Puppy, a temporary emergency formula if you cannot get the Goats Milk formula ingredients or are waiting for Play a joke on Valley to arrive. The Goats Milk formula ingredients tin be assembled from most supermarkets and used while you are waiting for Play tricks Valley to arrive. At that place is a link beneath to Henry'southward Healthy Pets where yous can social club Pull a fast one on Valley formula & Ultraboost.

These are the only formulas nosotros recommend:

Mean solar day 1 through 2 weeks: Homemade Goats Milk Formula (GMF) or Fox Valley 32/40.

two weeks and over: If on Goats Milk Transition to Play a trick on Valley 32/40. OK to offset on GMF or Esbilac Puppy Pulverization while waiting for 32/40 to make it. Fox Valley 32/40 is formulated for growth but must exist prepared according to instructions beneath to dissolve all powder or information technology will sit similar cement  in a infant'due south stomach .

Week four to five and older:  (eyes open or about open) use Fox Valley 20/50. If you have to order 20/50 it's OK to first on GMF or Esbilac Puppy Powder while waiting for 20/50 to arrive and then SLOWLY transition over. If you squirrel is already on 32/xl transition is easier than from GMF. At this stage we recommend calculation one part Play a trick on Valley Ultraboost powder to two parts 20/l powder earlier mixing with h2o.


A bully substitute formula if you cannot go temporary Esbilac Puppy Powder locally or have issues getting a commercial formula shipped. Also tin can be used if a baby has chronic diarrhea on commercial formula. (Formula credit to Island Rehabber possessor The Squirrel Lath)


3 Tablespoons goat'south milk
two Tablespoons heavy whipping cream
iii Tablespoons Low Fatty plain yogurt

one/2 raw egg yoke

Formula volition terminal 48 hours in fridge and then must be remade. Refrigerator should exist 40 Degrees F or lower

Goats Milk tin be purchased at natural food stores such equally Trader Joe's and Whole Foods, and at most health food stores that sell groceries. Information technology must exist goats milk made for human consumption.

Practice not substitute commercial goats milk formula fabricated for baby goats or other livestock sold at feed stores.

Caprine animal's milk is available fresh in a carton (check exp date), evaporated in a tin can as a powdered milk. If y'all buy either the evaporated or powdered versions, delight blend them with hot water according to the package directions

before using to make the formula.

Heavy Whipping Cream is constitute in small-scale cartons in the grocery store well-nigh the coffee creamers and half and one-half. Regular heavy cream may be substituted if it is unavailable, but the heavy whipping cream has the highest fat content, and is preferred. You can likewise club and use Pull a fast one on Valley ultraboost from Henry's Healthy Pets.

Yogurt has beneficial bacteria in information technology that soothes and settles digestion. Depression fatty yogurt is all-time, and a good choice that is very widely bachelor is Stoneyfield Yobaby yogurt. Nonetheless if it is unavailable, a depression fat vanilla yogurt may be substituted. Avoid those that take bogus sweeteners in them.

NOTE: When Caprine animal's Milk formula is used, omit the heavy whipping cream for the offset ii weeks of life.

  • Fresh Goats Milk tin exist used instead of powdered. If you buy powdered do Non use Esbilac brand powdered goats milk . Any powdered goats milk must be human being grade similar Meyenberg from Trader Joe's/Whole Foods etc, not powdered goats milk for subcontract animals like you lot become from Tractor Supply. All fresh formula & Goats Milk must be refrigerated at 40 degrees or lower!
  • Go on refrigerated and discard after 48 hours and brand fresh.
  • All formula changes should be slow transitions over the grade of several days

Notation: Fox Valley powdered formulas, Esbilac Powdered Puppy and powdered Goat's Milk are 2 parts water to 1 function powdered formula.


Bachelor from Amazon or Henry's Healthy Pets

There are several formulas you can use for older babies beginning at two weeks of historic period.

Play tricks Valley 32/40

The formula used by many professional person rehabbers is Fox Valley 32/40.This powdered formula can be ordered from Henry'due south healthy pets. Similar Esbilac we recommend mixing 2 parts 32/40 with 1 part Ultraboost

Pull a fast one on Valley 20/50

This formula is for squirrels 4 1/ii – 5 weeks or older, fully furred and eyes open up or near to open. We recommend mixing 3 parts 20/50 with one function Ultraboost for ultimate weight proceeds.

Esbilac Puppy Powder (Emergency Temporary Employ Only)

The easiest and quickest to obtain is Esbilac Puppy Powder with prebiotics and probiotics. This can be found in a can at Petco, Petsmart or Tractor Supply Etc. You can beginning on this formula for a pinky or furred squirrel (eyes closed) but we recommend ordering Play tricks Valley immediately. This formula is for temporary use until your Fox Valley arrives. The can must look like this:

More on Esbilac Formula Issues

There were issues in the past with Esbilac Puppy Powder not dissolving from Dicalcium non basis fine enough and sitting like cement in a pinky's stomach, not existence digested, and causing MBD . Every bit long as you follow the mixing instructions beneath information technology will exist fine for temporary employ, but I would use only the Goats Milk Formula for the first ii weeks (pinkie stage). Yous tin can also continue them on GMF adding in i/3 Fox Valley Ultraboost starting week two, then transitioning to 20/50 at week four. The Fox Valley 20/l formula for four one/2 – five weeks & older has never had bug but proper training must however be used.

Rehabbers: I received this personal reply from PetAg and hither is an excerpt from the Email, problems are notwithstanding be reported by some rehabbers. PetAg responded stating they corrected these bug but we still only recommend very short term emergency use:

Regarding your formulation question, Esbilac is manufactured using the micronized form of Dicalcium since October 4, 2019. The best indicator of this form would exist the lot code or expiration engagement of the production. (Whatever lot code of 2779E or greater, or a Best by Engagement of 10/2021 or greater, was manufactured using the micronized form.)

Addressing your concern regarding "Fabricated in the U.s.a.", Pet-Ag proudly manufactures all of our products in the United states of america. While nosotros do our best to source everything from hither every bit well, and back up using the highest quality ingredients, in that location are some ingredients that are simply too hard to acquire locally. We obtain these ingredients from trusted US sources operating internationally.

Here are "course letter of the alphabet" responses sent to other rehabbers from PetAg the makers of Esbilac Puppy Pulverisation regarding previous problems with Esbilac Puppy Pulverisation.

Esbilac Producer Response

Esbilac FAQ

Warning: Exercise NOT e'er employ cows milk, scalded milk, coconut/soy/almond milk, kitten milk, PetAg Petlac, Second Stage Esbilac, canned liquid formula of any kind, man milk or any other formula other than what is recommended on these links as it will harm a baby squirrel. DO Non use Esbilac make Puppy Powder with a best by date 10/2021 or earlier as problems take surfaced with before date codes that were addressed by PetAg the manufacturer. In that location is a squirrel "nutrition" website that specifically recommends the so-called scalded milk diet. This information is actually bad and many squirrels have died as a result of this flawed & dangerous diet. They as well recommend bootleg "squares" containing alfalfa, coconut oil & rice cereal. Do not utilise any advice from this website or any website touting these ingredients. The following photo show horribly emaciated babies raised on the and then called "scalded milk" nutrition. Do NOT USE SCALDED MILK.


WARNING: Exercise not always microwave your formula to heat it, it volition destroy the food value. You can microwave the h2o used to mix with the pulverization.

For either formula estrus your ii parts h2o to nigh boiling (140-170 degrees). Mix with ane role Fox Valley or Esbilac Puppy Pulverization, shake thoroughly and let to cool. (see Formula Prep Details photos beneath). Air-condition for at least 4 hours or preferably overnight (mainly for pinkies) and allow to absorb water/dissolve. Your formula tin be dissolving while your squirrel is in the hydration phase. Older babies with fur are fashion more tolerant of undissolved solids than pinkies hence the 32/40 concern. Hither is the study:


Link to feeding chart by gram weight courtesy of Squirrel Refuge:

Formula temperature should be around 99 degrees F. Y'all need a restaurant fast acting digital thermometer to quickly and accurately measure the temperature before the temp drops. You practise non want to feed a babe cold formula and formula the temp of moms body is almost palatable. You can buy these fast interim thermometers at whatever restaurant supply.

When feeding pinkies use the "push-pause" method of manipulating the syringe plunger. This is 1 of the reasons we recommend only the O Band syringes considering when you gently "push" it cannot come out in a heavy spurt or you will aspirate your baby. Practice with h2o and push button the plunger with your thumb until the smallest bulge forms at the tip of the syringe – then pause. This is the correct method for pinkies. If y'all take a cheap drug store syringe after several uses the black prophylactic plunger with start to hang up making you put more pressure and the milk will come up out in a spurt. When it starts hanging up use a new syringe while you are waiting for your O Ring syringe from Henry'south Healthy Pets.

If the squirrel struggles initially and rejects the nipple exist persistent! GENTLY get just the tip of the nipple into the mouth with the slightest push of the syringe but to go the baby to taste the formula. Be extra conscientious with squirrels under five weeks of age not to push too much formula at in one case. Tiresome and steady once the babe starts feeding. Brand sure there are no air pockets in syringe when filled with formula.


  1. Get together supplies every bit shown in first photograph.
  2. Add 1 role formula (Esbilac or Fob Valley) powder to small-scale pyrex measuring loving cup.
  3. Add measured formula to mixing/cooling/storage container (red cap).
  4. Measure out two parts water into measuring loving cup.
  5. Microwave h2o for under 30 seconds until hot 140-170 deg (not boiling).
  6. Add hot water to mixing/cooling/storage container with formula already in it and shake vigorously until no clumps remain, get out out for twenty minutes to cool – practice non forget to refrigerate!
  7. Place in refrigerator and let to cool and dissolve for at least 1 60 minutes so shake vigorously again. Continue to air-condition for several hours more – preferably overnight. Exercise not shake before feeding as this will introduce air into the babies stomach.
  8. When ready to feed remove from fridge, gently stir with a small whisk (photo below) or spoon, cascade advisable amount of formula into stainless sauce cup (eatery supply) and warm in a bowl of hot tap h2o (do NOT microwave formula to oestrus) . Stainless warming loving cup conducts heat corking.
  9. Check formula with restaurant thermometer or pinkie for temperature. Should be warm (around 100 degrees), never hot.
  10. Feed with age appropriate size syringe with Miracle nipple if bachelor. Nether 5 weeks for inexperienced caregivers should utilize a ane mL syringe only. Lookout man 2nd video for proper feeding technique:

If you don't have all these items don't panic – improvise. The important ingredients are proper formula, 2 parts water : i part formula ratio, mixing hot and allowing to cool, refrigeration of mixture/absorption, and gently warming to feed. You can likewise utilize a blender bottle with ball whisk (last photo) for larger batches.

Modest whisk >


Use just the ORIGINAL Phenomenon Nipple combined with the Miracle O Ring Syringe. There are many cheap Chinese knockoff's made from junior and dangerous materials. Take no substitute for the Miracle Nipple! Available through Henry's Salubrious Pets. Lodge the Miracle Mini and feed slowly and carefully.


Great formula warming cups – 4 oz stainless sauce cup from restaurant supply. Warm by holding stainless cup with formula in a bowl of hot tap water and swirling formula – metal conducts heat really well. Pinky (finger) test for temp. You tin can also utilise stainless measuring cups. Utilise the 1/four cup or the smallest one in a fix.

DO Non Always USE THIS Bottle FOR SQUIRRELS! It has too much volume and you will aspirate and kill your baby. The tiny nipple in this parcel will slip over a non-Luer Lock 1 mL syringe until you tin can get a Miracle Nipple Mini from Henry'southward Good for you Pets. Again, Do Not employ the canteen part or the large nipples .

This poor babe is desperately ASPIRATING (literally choking) on milk from this oversized PetAg bottle!

Instead get this i mL (cc) syringe from any chemist's and let them know it is for feeding a baby brute, y'all need a non-Luer Lock, and you don't need the needles – just the syringe. If y'all can't get a pocket-size Pet Ag nipple or Miracle Nipple use the syringe tip and Get SLOW! if you program on raising the squirrel lodge the right O Ring syringe and Miracle nipple from Henrys Good for you Pets. They will help advise you on things yous will need.

Luer-Lock vs. Slip – Luer-Lock has an internal locking collar (threads) and you can use with Phenomenon Nipples just difficult to feed without a nipple on it. The slip tip is amend and most 1 mL'southward are skid. When over 5 weeks and you switch to iii mL try to find a slip O-Band. For the long term it is best to get a Miracle "O" Ring syringe from Henry'south Salubrious Pets every bit these are durable. Cheap non-O Ring syringes tend to jam after a few uses and forcing them sends a spurt of formula that may aspirate a baby.


By half-dozen weeks baby squirrels eyes open up, teeth are in and they will want to nibble. The simply solid food y'all should start your squirrel on is Henry'due south Developed Squirrel Blocks as these provide complete nutrition. For rehabbers having big quantities of squirrels we recommend Envigo Teklad 2018 for cost savings (links on our Non Releasable folio). As the squirrel grows you lot must supplement with the Henry'due south Healthy Nutrition as shown here:


A infant squirrel cannot proceed their own and must exist stimulated with a piece of Kleenex or Q-tip. Personally I utilise a Q-Tip dipped in warm water which causes less irritation. Roll the Q-Tip or use in a brushing motility on the squirrels genitals until emptying occurs. This must exist done afterwards every feeding until virtually a week after eyes open!

COMMON Issues (This section all credit to Henry's Healthy Pets)

Bloating. Can occur when a baby squirrel eats too much and/or as well often, or from formula intolerance. The stomach should be rounded after feeding, but withal soft, like a half-filled h2o airship. It should deflate before the adjacent feeding. If stomach feels hard or does not debunk, skip a feeding, hydrate, and decrease the amount of formula at each feeding or increase the amount of time between feedings. Stimulate to urinate and defecate (instructions in adjacent section). Dipping the infant in warm water up to his armpits and gentle massage tin also help, only make certain you dry the baby thoroughly and keep warm.

Bloat2 Bloat3

Clicking (aspiration pneumonia). If formula comes out baby's nose, he may accept inhaled some, causing aspiration pneumonia. Symptoms are loss of ambition, lethargy, and a clicking noise when the baby breathes. Hold the baby'due south breast to your ear and heed carefully. The clicking is with each breath, in and out. This must exist treated immediately with antibiotics or the baby volition die.

Constipation. Information technology tin can have a day or so for the baby to starting time pooping after starting formula. If constipation persists, it could hateful the babe is still dehydrated. In that example, give him warm water with a fiddling apple juice in a syringe between feedings.

Diarrhea. Can exist caused past overfeeding, too frequent feeding, wrong formula, or parasites. Stop feeding formula for a couple of feedings and hydrate instead. Information technology may help to switch to the Bootleg Goat Milk Formula. Diarrhea can impale quickly, then get assist correct away.

Fly Eggs or Maggots. Fly eggs wait similar small grains of rice; they will rapidly hatch into maggots, crawl into the baby's eyes, ears, mouth, or anus, and eat him alive. Remove all eggs/maggots immediately and check all orifices. Baby must be treated with Capstar within 24 hours. You lot can buy Capstar (xi.4 mg) from us, or at your local pet store. Vanquish 1/4 tablet, dissolve in 1 ml water, and give orally by syringe once a solar day for two days. In addition, you can crush 1/ii tablet in 2 ml water and utilize externally anywhere maggots/eggs are visible, especially ears, olfactory organ, eyes, or anus.

Hypoglycemia. Caused by starvation or feeding likewise little too infrequently. Baby may arch his dorsum, have spasms, or gasp for breath. Rub molasses, honey, or pancake syrup on its gums. You should come across improvement within 30 minutes. Make certain your feeding amounts/schedule is right.

Feeding Trance. While feeding, some babies will terminate swallowing and open and close their mouth like a fish. This is not harmful but ways feeding takes longer. Bravado lightly in baby squirrels face or a gentle tap on the head can help. When they stop gulping, you lot can resume feeding them.

Nursing on Genitals. Babe squirrels may nurse on genitals when they are housed together, causing redness, swelling, or scabbing on the tip of the penis. This is very serious as it tin crusade permanent damage to the urethra. Immediately separate them. If there'southward a scab, soak the expanse in warm water and gently remove the scab. And then apply some Neosporin. If the baby is self-sucking, you'll need to employ some kind of bandage until you break the habit.

Refuses to Feed/Claret on Nipple. Babe squirrels teethe twice, once for upper teeth and in one case for lowers. Teething may cause the baby to suddenly refuse to eat, or swallow less than normal, and you may see a trivial blood. This is normal and should pass subsequently 24 hours.

Whenever a baby squirrel isn't doing well, go back to the ABC'south

Ask yourself:

  • Is he warm?
  • Is he hydrated?
  • Is he existence fed properly? (non too much or besides niggling; not too oftentimes or besides infrequently)
  • Is the formula warm enough? Formula should exist very warm–nearly hot–or they won't drink enough.

And then address those problems in that society!

Number ane Killers of Baby Squirrels

  • Machine shutoff heating pad: Baby will arctic and dice – must accept an "always on" characteristic
  • Incorrect formula: Babe fails to grow or gain weight; develops diarrhea, constipation, bloating
  • Cheap syringes that stick: Formula gets into babe's lungs causing aspiration pneumonia
  • Using a PetAg nursing bottle that aspirates baby's
  • Syringes that are too big: Baby will eat too fast and become aspiration pneumonia
  • Overfeeding: Infant develops diarrhea/bloating
  • Underfeeding: Baby starves to death
  • Formula non warm enough: Baby slowly starves to death

Additional INITIAL CARE INFORMATION (Links to experts on how to warm, hydrate and feed)

These are the Best Links for baby Squirrel Care. Please r ead both links and follow the instructions to the letter. There are some small differences with the information provided but all information is basically sound. Use what works for you lot with the supplies you can source locally. If you have questions inquire on the forum or one of our partner boards. Order your supplies from Henry's Healthy Pets.

Henry's Healthy Pets: (Go on clicking "next" to advance to next page) Click on Icon:

Orphaned Wildlife Care:

DIET FOR YOUR CAPTIVE SQUIRREL (See Non-Releasables page for additional information)

For juvenile and older squirrels a nutritionally engineered block every bit the primary nutrition is essential. Do not buy whatever advertised "Squirrel Diets" for juveniles and adults – ONLY follow the "Henry's Diet" in the link provided coupled with Henry's Healthy Adult Blocks as the primary supplement and Teklad 2018 (2014 for over 2 years) blocks, or Mazuri Rodent 5663 as the base food block. We go along Teklad 2014 in a bowl for on demand eating all day and feed 2 Henry' Good for you Blocks daily. Squirrels MUST acquire to eat their blocks first before treats are given as these blocks contain a balanced diet that are part of the MBD prevention plan. If you have a captive squirrel that has been spoiled on nuts and treats you lot must transition over to a block base diet and the Henry'south supplemental diet. Meet out Non-Releasable folio on the green navigation bar for details.

Henrys Salubrious Adult Blocks:

Proper juvenile and adult convict long term solid nutrition nautical chart (Henry'due south Nutrition):

There are many recipes for making "Boo Balls" for picky eaters who won't consume their block. Here is a good ane: I such diet listed on a so-called "squirrel nutrition" website uses chia seeds and alfalfa – do non use this recipe. Envigo Teklad 2014 (14%) Protein Rodent Cake Diet  is the top recommended base nutrition for older squirrels over 2 years of age. Smaller bags than the 33 pounder can be bought from unlike suppliers like Neesom or Small Furry Pet Supply on Amazon or direct by calling 847-912-7692 . I personally use the Small Pet Store that benefits a rat rescue. The rat people are very helpful – telephone 561-510-3728.—adults

Henry'due south Adult Blocks – An important supplement to add together extra calcium and nutrition. Can be used as a primary nutrition for one developed squirrel just a flake pricey for rehabbers doing multiples. We utilise it every bit a supplement to Teklad. Must be kept frozen – thaw 1-2 blocks at a time as needed and feed immediately as this production is persihable.


If your older squirrel exhibits symptoms of MBD and this includes loss of ambition, sleeping more, reluctance to climb or jump, nails getting caught in fabric, squirrel seems achy and doesn't want to exist touched, paralysis, and finally seizures. If you see any of these symptoms and your squirrel has any risk factors for MBD become to our MBD page on the green link bar.


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