Best Weather App With Funny Messages


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Six apps that give weather news with a dash of humour

Trump Weather delivers gems like, 'no one respects women and clouds more than me', from the US President Donald Trump. Premium
Trump Weather delivers gems like, 'no one respects women and clouds more than me', from the US President Donald Trump.

The next time you want to find out about the weather before planning your day and also want to be entertained, be sure try one of these weather apps

It is the ultimate conversation maker for many of us, so it is hardly surprising that there are dozens of apps to tell us about the weather, current forecasts as well as what to expect in the day ahead. However, many apps treat the weather in a serious, newsy manner, delivering temperature, rain patterns and other meteorological data. Some apps, however, try to deliver not just information, but also a few laughs along the way. The next time you want to find out about the weather before planning your day and also want to be entertained, be sure you try one of these apps.


iOS, Android

HumorCast gives information on the current weather as well as an hour-by-hour forecast for the day

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HumorCast gives information on the current weather as well as an hour-by-hour forecast for the day

If you want detailed information with some tongue-in-cheek humour, try HumorCast. The app gives information on the current weather as well as an hour-by-hour forecast for the day, and weather summaries for the rest of the week, but it's the accompanying snarky remarks that make it fun. Every update comes with its own comment. So, for instance, foggy weather may be accompanied by a comment like "this weather had too many drinks" or "it's Netflix and chilly out there". You can even rate the remarks and share them on social networks such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Carrot Weather


Carrot Weather packs quite a punch, with a graphic hour-by-hour weather update of not just the current day, but also the week.

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Carrot Weather packs quite a punch, with a graphic hour-by-hour weather update of not just the current day, but also the week.

Yes, the price tag might put off some. But Carrot Weather packs quite a punch, with a graphic hour-by-hour weather update of not just the current day, but also the week. The star of the show is the "Ocular Sensor" that lets you not only access an augmented reality (AR) mode (you can see the weather through the view of your camera, with comments about the surroundings), travel to the future or past using the Time Travel feature, or simply tap the sensor animation to see it react in outrage. It is quite simply the most classy mix of humour and comprehensive weather information out there.


Android, iOS

WTForecast gives hourly forecasts, weather summaries for six days, and even information about the phases of the moon.

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WTForecast gives hourly forecasts, weather summaries for six days, and even information about the phases of the moon.

"Do you wonder ever if the clouds look down at us and think, 'Look at all the friggin' morons? There is no such thing as bad weather. Only inappropriate clothing for the season.'"Well, those are just some of the pearls of wisdom that accompany weather updates in this seemingly risquély named app (it is actually "What the Forecast"). You get hourly forecasts, weather summaries for six days, and even information about the phases of the moon. The interface can look a little busy (with animations and all), but the real star is the comment that shows with every information overlay.

Trump Weather


What makes Trump Weather special are statements that seem right out of the quote book of US President Donald Trump.

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What makes Trump Weather special are statements that seem right out of the quote book of US President Donald Trump.

On the surface, it looks like a collection of basic weather data for the week presented in a series of boxes. What makes it special, however, are statements that seem right out of the quote book of US President Donald Trump, with gems such as "no one respects women and clouds more than me, okay," and "the result of not enough sanctions on North Korea". These are accompanied by a small graphic that mimics his hairstyle—it blows around when the weather is expected to be windy, goes dark when the weather is cloudy and stays shiny blond when the weather is sunny.

Fu*** Weather


The Fu*** Weather app delivers current weather information under three headings: weather conditions, temperature, and wind.

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The Fu*** Weather app delivers current weather information under three headings: weather conditions, temperature, and wind.

Just the app for those who cannot utter a sentence without making it sound like some sort of swearing routine. The Fu*** Weather app delivers current weather information under three headings: weather conditions, temperature, and wind. Under each heading is a remark with language guaranteed to turn the air blue. That may be why it comes with a blue background. The same applies to the forecast for the rest of the week. The interface is clean, with no graphics, but reading against a blue background can be a challenge. Users can see the weather in their location on high-resolution maps.

Authentic Weather

iOS, Android
Free (Android), Rs159 (iOS)

In Authentic Weather, the F-word is used frequently, along with snide remarks about what to wear.

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In Authentic Weather, the F-word is used frequently, along with snide remarks about what to wear.

This is not for the faint of heart or those who are finicky about their language. The F-word is used frequently, along with snide remarks about what to wear (what can be divested and what cannot). The interface is basic and clean though, giving you a clear snapshot of the current temperature and that of the next two days. Long- press on the temperature and you will get humidity information too. Basic, clean, and utterly profane—this bundle of contradictions can be as crazy as the weather is sometimes.

*Prices may vary

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